Company profile | About us

Mien Dong Medical Services Co., Ltd

Providing comprehensive solutions for the latest medical technology including professional consulting and training services. All our products are officially distributed in the Vietnam market by reputable manufacturers, and are responsible for performing warranty service technically authorized by the company.


The best product | Product

Made in: Korea Pill positioning patient GEL + Foam Technology HIGH PRESSURE AND PROTECTIVE LEATHER Good Morning / Heat Resistance HOW TO POWER AND SUSTAINABILITY 1 year standard warranty

Made in: Korea Pill positioning patient GYM POLYURETHANE TECHNOLOGY HIGH PRESSURE AND PROTECTIVE LEATHER Good Morning / Heat Resistance HOW TO POWER AND SUSTAINABILITY 1 year standard warranty

Made in: Korea Multifunctional desk accessories C-Arm shooting support Used for all surgical tables Positioning for the type of surgery 3 year standard warranty

Production: Solaris / USA ISO 1348S-2004, CE-Mark, FDA SPO2 - PR sensor Electrocardiogram (ECG) Temperature sensor (t) Blood pressure (IBP, nIBP) ETCO2 sensor 1 year warranty

Model: P100 / Poland Large color touch screen touch keyboard combination hard input technology The basic configuration works in mL / h Control the volume and time of the syringe Continuous infusion Automatically receive multitasking syringes

Model: S100, S200, S300 Seri Intensive: S300PCA / PCEA, TCI / TIVA Company: MEDIMA - Poland Large color touch screen touch hard key combination technology Superior response to safety standards Continuous infusion Automatically receive the smallest syringe 2ml

Diagnostic system genuine